Friday Finds 11.16.18

Happy Friday! Since we missed last week (thanks gift guides) I have a bunch of finds to share with you guys! I may have went on a shopping spree…but what else is new? I am so excited for Thanksgiving next week!

Holiday Gift Guide HOME 2018

Well since I don’t have home to myself….these are the things I WOULD want. I love these gifts because they are perfect for anyone…Mom, Mother-in-law, Boyfriends mom, Friends, Co-Workers, Sisters, Grandma, and so on. There is a perfect mixture of high and low prices so…

Holiday Gift Guide BEAUTY 2018

YES BEAUTY…give me all the beauty things for Christmas!! Beauty stuff is probably some of my favorite things to get for the Holidays. That glitter blow dryer?? Mine…how about some Drunk Elephant skincare? Also mine. Below is a mix of things I own and freaking…

Holiday Gift Guide for HER 2018

Believe it or not, the Holidays are here! It is time to get shopping! It seems early, but unfortunately I already feel late to the game. I have spent MANY hours putting together gift guides, not only for us ladies but also for out men, the home, and beauty! I wanted a one stop shop for every aspect. I truly hope these are helpful and also give you guys some hints on what you want…just send your significant other the links (wink). Happy Shopping!!

Holiday Gift Guide FOR HIM 2018

Us ladies always have a hard time buying for our significant others. Usually they have everything or don’t want anything and they can never just give us a definitive answer. Here is your solution! I have taken 3 “different” men…and I put that into quotations…

Friday Finds 11.2.18

November!? How!? Time flys when you are having fun, but I am so excited because this is my favorite time of year! Bring on everything Christmas! Will I watch the Grinch an Elf tonight? Why yes probably! Jared and I got back from our long weekend away on Monday night, we had such an amazing time! I absolutely love it up there. It snowed which was crazy, in some spots 6 inches! I am glad I brought warm clothes and boots, unfortunately my Shein stuff didn’t arrive in time for the

Living in “Limbo”

Something happened to me tonight that got me thinking…but the response I got is what got me thinking even more. But before we get into that let me explain a little.

I turned 25 last month, big year…was hoping to be married and have my first kid by now (kidding…kinda). But here I am, living with my parents with a job that “pays the bills”. I graduated college 2 1/2 years ago (HOWWW) and after college I moved

Friday Finds 10.26.18

I AM SO EXCITED…Jared and I leave tomorrow morning for the Adirondacks (specifically Lake Placid). We are just getting away for a quick weekend trip. Really we are going so Jared can take all my photos…he just doesn’t know (kidding…kinda). It is already snowing up there…crazy. I need to bring more warm clothes than I thought, and even possibly a coat UGH. We all know I hate coats! It’s going to be a nice relaxing weekend sitting by the fire, eating, and exploring. It is so

Fall Favorites (so far)

Since I have posted a few photos with things that I am loving for fall I thought it would be perfect to have it all in one place so it’s easy to shop! I will do updates of this every few weeks on some awesome fall pieces I am loving! I am maybe taking this whole “fall” thing too far, but when I haven’t worn it in 2 years it’s like I am an addict now and can’t stop buying it. Things I am really loving are cardigans, sweaters, tanks, and scarves. It’s so much fun to mix and match everything. I also want to know how half of my closet is now fall stuff….oops. I hope you guys are

Fall/Winter Shoe Favorites

Shoes are one of my favorite things in the whole world. For me, Summer is easier for me to find shoes because I don’t have to worry about my calves fitting into boots and I don’t have to worry about shoes being uncomfortable. I have a tough time finding shoes that are comfortable for my feet, for no particular reason but it has always been difficult and I am the type of person if my shoes are uncomfortable I am miserable. After about 2 months of searching I have found my perfect