Baby Registry Must Haves

Holy overwhelming!! If you are a first time mom like myself, making your registry can be a very daunting task. You see mixed reviews everywhere you look, mom shaming people for buying the wrong items, something seems safe and turns out to be dangerous…and not to mention laws and rules changing all the time. It’s even amazing how much has changed since I babysat only a few years ago!

There are SO many baby products on the market, and the reason for that is because every baby is different! What works for some babies may not work for others. How do you know what will work for your baby before it’s born? You don’t. That’s why I turned to my friends who are moms and you guys! I also did a TON of research myself. As a FTM I want my baby to be as safe as possible.

Just a few things to note! I have zero “plans” when it comes to birth and feeding my child. Unfortunately you can “plan” all day everyday, but at the end of the day your baby and Mother Nature decide how that baby is coming into the world and how it will be fed. My only “plan” is to have a healthy baby and love him unconditionally! I would absolutely love to breastfeed, I will be trying it out. If it doesn’t work out, I will be feeding him formula. A fed baby is best no matter what. That’s why you will see things on here for both breastfeeding and formula feeding!

I know baby items can be a touchy subject, but I do feel much more at ease with my choices after asking you guys. You all said things I already had on my registry, which was awesome! I ask that you please respect my choices and know I will use every product as it is intended (a.k.a. A doc a tot and snuggle me are NOT safe for sleep they will be used under supervision). After doing research, we did choose the Snoo as his bassinet for sleeping. I do understand the price is insane but they are available for rent and you can also always check FB marketplace for used ones!

I know this is overwhelming! I’ve been looking into baby products for years, always asking friends and family what they have used and loved for my future child one day. I have always been knowledgeable in this department. But there are so many new things out there…how do you choose!? After receiving many messages from new moms not knowing where to even begin, I knew I had to share! I pray these items work for my son but he may hate some of them, and that’s ok! It is trial and error. I will be sure to update when he is born and using these products on what is working for us and what isn’t.

I highly suggest getting the Bottle Box & Pacifier Box from Babylist. They have multiple products in one so you can try them out and buy the specific one that works for you! I did add some bottles and binkys I have heard great things about (even if I do breastfeed I will also be pumping so Jared can also feed him).

I made my registry through Babylist, I found it was the best option because you can add things from any website! That made it easy to have everything in one place and not from one specific store. They also price out the item for every store it’s sold at, so the person buying you that item will get the best price!

I chose not to register for baby clothes and politely asked that no one gets me them. I want to be able to share with you all what I’m loving and new things as he grows! That’s why I’m sticking to 0-3m for now and will buy things as he grows to be able to share with you guys. Also it will be be fall/winter when he is 3-6m so new things will be coming out!

Now onto the fun stuff!! I hope this helps any mom out there whether you are a new mom, seasoned mom, grandparent, etc.

Top Follower Recommendations:


Baby Bjorn Bouncer



Snuggle Me

Uppababy Vista

Keekaroo Peanut Changer


Haaka with the Lid

Baby Brezza


Hatch Sound Machine

Baby Shusher

Oogie Bear

Nose Frida

Electric Nail File

Angelcare Baby Bath

My Breast Friend

Ubbi Steel Diaper Pail

Bottle Sterilizer

Newton Baby Mattress

Muslin Cloths

Stokke Highchair

Frida Baby Windi

I hope this helps you mommy’s out! Again these are all suggestions and things I’ve heard great things about, you do not HAVE to have all the things.
xx, Em