Apartment Organization Transformation

So as you guys know your girl LOVES to clean, I have 3 vacuums, tons of cleaning supplies, a carpet cleaner etc….BUT I have issues keeping hidden spaces organized. After we moved in I never designated places for any of my things, I just put things where they fit. After blogging being my full time job for the last 8 months things were piling up QUICKLY. I kept wanting to get rid of things but it was such a time consuming daunting task I didn’t have the time to face it.

**please contact Sort and Sweet for any pricing info**

That’s when Sort and Sweet came into my life. A sweet previous neighbor of mine is friends with one of their team members that lives close to me and she told them to reach out to me. I am so thankful they did! I knew immediately partnering with them would benefit both of us! Sort and Sweet has people all over the country in LA, Atlanta, LI, NYC, Tampa, and NJ. These sweet girls came down from LI to help me out! I started before they came last Thursday cleaning out the clothes in my closet. I donated 5 bags to a women’s shelter, 3 bags of bedding to a dog shelter, and I have tons more to post to poshmark.

That alone took me most of the day! They came Friday morning and of course after talking like we have all known each other for years we got to work. Our main goal was my closet and my she shed because those were the most out of control and the spaces I use most. I went where they needed me and of course helped out with every step!

Since I do not have a Container Store close so they went before they came and brought what they thought I needed from the photos I sent! (I was responsible for the cost of the organizational supplies). We did end up making a trip to Target and Walmart as well for a couple extra things since we did more then originally planned! They had planned to come back Saturday if necessary but these poor girls kept opening closets and drawers and couldn’t leave them untouched LOL. I was like, oh god don’t open that! I am thankful they did though! We ended up also doing the pantry, laundry closet, linen closet, junk drawer, buffet table drawers, and medicine cabinet.

They helped me in more ways than just organizing, it felt like a HUGE weight had been lifted off me. I feel more motivated, clearer, mentally more organized, and just less stressed. It is so great to have a clean space where everything has a home and is directed towards my business. They had so many ideas I would have never thought of doing and they are SO GOOD at their jobs. I HIGHLY recommend them, they were not only personable, so fun to hang out with, but they are absolute organizational geniuses. I thought I was somewhat of an organized person until I met them. It truly is an art!

Now onto the good stuff! These before and after photos are SHOCKING. Yes I got rid of a lot of things like expired makeup, medicine, cleaning and bath supplies and food. A ton of old papers, tags, missing pieces to things, and things I just won’t use anymore.


Before I cleaned it out myself
Before the girls came



Linen Closet




Junk Drawer

Front Closet

I don’t have a before sorry!

Thanks so much for reading!

xx, Em


  1. Ally wrote:

    Wow, the transformation looks amazing! I wish someone would come organize my house, haha!

    Posted 2.25.20

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